Have you been wondering if you could start a business?

There’s only one way to find out.

Starting a business, risk free

Starting a business, even a small one, can feel daunting.

Will I have customers?  

Simply set up your Loyaltie page explaining what you’re selling (four poetry classes, for example) and send to anyone in your universe. Your business will only go live  once enough people have signed up and paid IN ADVANCE. 

Will they come back? 

With Loyaltie, you sell memberships to your products or services (12 farm fresh eggs for three months, for example). That means that, by definition, you have recurring customers. 

How will I grow my business? 

We remove the back office hassle, from taking care of customer payments to providing you with social media content to analyzing your customer data so you can always be improving your business.  

A little on memberships

You might be wondering why the focus on memberships.

By selling memberships, you get the money BEFORE you provide the product or service and ensure you have recurring customers. 

We believe that recurring memberships is the best way to build a loyal customers and provide financial stability. 

Is Loyaltie for me,

The Quiz

I’ve been worried that I won’t have enough customers.

I haven’t wanted to invest in the business without being paid in advance.

I’ve always wanted to try selling my hand knitted sweaters / hair coloring services / kombucha.

I love making pickles / babysitting / teaching music, but the idea of running a business is daunting.

If you have more yesses than nos, then we Loyaltie may well be a good fit.

Loyaltie was designed so that you can test drive your dream, risk free. 

How to start?

Five easy steps

Set up your Loyaltie page - who you are, what you want to sell.
Decide on your capacity - how many customers you need to start and how many can you accommodate.
Choose the pricing and benefits you want to offer your customers. 
Spread the word - go live and send everyone you know your Loyaltie page.
Sit back and watch people sign up for your wine tastings / ping pong classes / aromatherapy sessions.

If you’ve ever wondered…

If you could turn your passion into a business, now’s the time to try.

Best case, you’ll be a business hit (or at least make some nice money) Worst case, you’ll have a funny story to tell your kids. But you’ll never know unless you try.