Set up your ‘store front’ in minutes

Easily create your Loyaltie page to explain who you are, what you want to sell, and how someone can become one of your recurring (even loving!) customers. It is super easy.

Test the business waters

The best way to know if people are interested in what you’re selling -  sewing classes, homemade candles or dog walking services - is to see if they are willing to pay.

Share your Loyaltie page with friends, family, followers, customers or random people you meet on the street.

Your business will only go ‘live’ if the number of people you need to get started have signed up and paid.

Get a steady income

(you’ll have recurring customers!)

Rather than selling one-offs, which leave you in the dark financially, with Loyaltie you sell memberships.

Think four clarinet classes in a month, a cup of coffee every day for a week, or babysitting three afternoons a week.  

This will allow you to know IN ADVANCE how much money you can bring in.

Remove payment hassles

Running a business, even a small one, isn’t a walk in the park (unless, of course, you’re selling a membership for walks in the park…).

But fear not! Loyaltie is here to remove the headache: from growing and managing your customer base to handling customer payments to providing content for your social media promotions. 

Make your business
THE place to be

With Loyaltie, you aren’t just managing a customer list, you are building a community of people who love your business.

They see what you’re offering, have to grab a slot, or wait until the next one opens (I need to get into the next batch of Mac & Cheese!)  In essence, you’re creating a loyal customer base who will brag about being in and create excitement (some might call it FOMOI) for others to join your Loyaltie.

If you’ve ever wondered…

If you could turn your passion into a business, now’s the time to try.

Best case, you’ll be a business hit (or at least make some nice money) Worst case, you’ll have a funny story to tell your kids. But you’ll never know unless you try.